
Memorials in Churchyards:-  A person wishing to erect a memorial in a churchyard should consult the local minister in the first instance. The minister will be able to consider whether the proposed memorial falls within the Diocesan guidelines - see

If the proposed memorial (or any feature or aspect of its design) falls outside the diocesan guidelines, then the matter should be referred to the Chancellor for consideration, via the Diocesan Registrar.

A recent consistory court judgment has restated the principle that diocesan churchyard regulations, made by the Chancellor, set out parameters within which an incumbent or minister may give permission for a memorial. Where a proposed memorial does not fall within those parameters, the incumbent has no authority to permit it  - see Re St Paul, Quarndon - 2019.

Memorials in Churches:- A faculty is required before any memorial may be erected inside a church. Such applications are normally granted only sparingly and in exceptional circumstances.